Water Saving Potential Calculator for Households Using Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems

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The following calculator tool provides the opportunity to estimate water savings for a household through reuse of the greywater, using the recommended integrated decentralised wastewater system. Separately collected, a less concentrated greywater stream could serve as an alternative irrigation water and flushing water source after minor on-site processing.

For more information on recommended decentralised wastewater system and its proper management, please have a look at further materials provided here.

Water Saving Potential Calculator

Number of Household Members:

Water Savings per Day from Greywater Reuse and Low-Flush Toilets per Household (l/day):

Yearly Water Savings from Greywater Reuse and Low-Flush Toilets per Household (l/year):

Background of the Calculator

According to Friedler (2004), greywater reuse could decrease the water demand of a household by 48 % and lead to water savings of up to 70 litres per person per day. The yearly water savings from greywater reuse and low-flush toilets per household (l/year) is calculated from the potential daily water savings from greywater reuse and low-flush toilets per person (48 % of daily water use i.e. 70 l/day) multiplied by the number of household members and 365 days.

The value of average daily water use per person is taken to be 146 l/day per person, however, the value is subjected to variation for different regions of the world. The provided results should be considered just as a reference point when referring to the potential for water reuse in integrated decentralised wastewater treatment.

Friedler, E 2004, ‘Quality of individual domestic greywater streams and its implication for on-site treatment and reuse possibilities’, Environmental Technology, vol. 25 no. 9, pp.997-1008.

Water Saving Potential Calculator for Households Using Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems by Usama Khalid and Ruth Schaldach is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.